Blair Mastin
Blair Mastin was born in Calgary, attended highschool here and studied Architectural Design and Blueprinting at SAIT.
After that Blair moved to Vancouver and worked at Millers (The Sony Stores) where he became the youngest store manager in the history of Millers.
After a few years in Vancouver, his family bought a Tim Hortons franchise in BC, and within 5 years they owned 6 Tim Hortons throughout the interior of BC.
After that, he opened A swimming pool and spa business and with his partner they also opened and ran a successful First Choice Hair cutter again in the Interior.
In 2000 Blair decided to come “Home” and achieve his Commercial Real Estate License and has worked primarily Retail Sales and Leasing since that time, he has worked with 711 Canada, Tim Hortons and thousands of other clients to secure locations and achieve their goals and dreams.